8 HOME OFFICE Design Tips

8 HOME OFFICE Design Tips

Have you found your new normal is working from home, are you or the kids going back to school, or are you returning to work after the holidays, is the room in your house that needs help now your home office? Unfortunately, not everyone has a spare bedroom they can swap the bed for a desk and built-in shelving. However there is good news, if you are short of space it is still possible to create a work space anywhere in your home. If this is you then check out my blog on unusual home offices spaces. If you run your own business, are freelance or simply need somewhere to keep on top of your daily admin, a fabulous office space will make any work more enjoyable. Here are my 8 home office design tips.

How to create a pop up work space at home

How to create a pop up work space at home

Here are some tips and ideas on how to create a pop up work station somewhere in your home during lockdown or when needing to work from home if you don’t have a separate home office or if you are like me your husband has taken it over.